How Will Abortion Affect Me Mentally?

No one can predict how a woman will react mentally to abortion. Some women that experience abortion have no immediate adverse reactions, while others struggle with feelings of sadness, grief, shame, and guilt. These feelings can range from mild to debilitating, begin immediately after an abortion or surface months or years later, and lead to

I just found out I’m pregnant. Can you help?

If you are experiencing an unexpected pregnancy, you are likely worried about what to do. You must gather information and weigh your choices carefully to make this important decision. We can help. Your choices include parenting, adoption, and abortion. Parenting Many women are unsure of their ability to parent when they find out they are

3 Things Needed Before an Abortion

If you are pregnant and considering your options, your first step should be to arm yourself with the information you need to prioritize your health and safety. Three things you need to ensure your safety are: Pregnancy Testing Everything can feel like a pregnancy symptom when you think you are pregnant. However, if there is

Why Talk to Us About Abortion?

You have options when it comes to the outcome of your pregnancy. We are committed to offering information on all your options, including abortion, so that you can make the healthiest decision for your life.  Get More Info on Abortion Do you know which abortion procedure best suits your unique situation? Every pregnancy is different,

What Are the Different Types of Abortion?

There are two types of abortions: medical and surgical. The gestational age of the pregnancy determines what procedures one may be eligible for.  Ultrasounds are necessary to reveal the gestational age of the pregnancy to determine what options might be available to you, including which type(s) of abortion.  Keep reading for an in-depth description of

What Are the Risks of Abortion?

Before any procedure or medical intervention, it is crucial to be aware of any potential risks. The risks for abortion vary, depending on whether it is medical or surgical. Medical vs. Surgical Risks A medical abortion procedure uses medicine to end a pregnancy. A surgical abortion is a procedure in which the pregnancy is removed
