Learn to be a Dad

Have you just found out you are going to be a father or are you a father already and need advice on being a better role model? You are in the right place! Our fatherhood program is for both new dads and guys who have been doing it for a while. From caring for your infant to talking with your teenager, if you have questions, we will help you find answers. We will equip and encourage you on the mission of fatherhood.  

Fatherhood Resources 

At WRC, we offer a points program, and mentoring, all free to you. We want you to feel supported in your decision-making and parenting. Whether this is your first pregnancy or third, we want to help you on this new adventure. 

Support from Other Dads

When you are dealing with an unexpected pregnancy, you will need support. No one understands what you are going through and how to help you through this situation better than other dads. These guys have been in your shoes, and now they are equipped with the knowledge to help you. They will address all your concerns and answer all your questions.

Call the center to set up an intake appointment today.
